
灵感 季节性的庆祝活动


Book Top 经历 and Tours in 奥克兰:
如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. Below are some of the top tours and experiences!
奥克兰 plays host to some of the top festivals in New Zealand, so there are plenty of exciting bet9注册登录 to mark on your calendar.
从美味的美食聚会和文化庆典,到国际电影和时尚 bet9注册登录, 奥克兰 festivals offer something for everyone. Here are seven of the best to get you started.
One of the city’s most popular summer bet9注册登录, the 奥克兰灯会 is an exciting celebration of Chinese food, 烟花, 武术, 跳舞, 现场音乐和更多. 主要的庆祝活动在 阿尔伯特公园 超过三个晚上,但在他们开始之前也有一个只有灯笼的夜晚,以便更轻松地观看五颜六色的灯光装饰. 这个参加人数众多的节日刚刚庆祝了它的第15个年头,多年来规模显著扩大. 第二场地, Queens Wharf holds an outdoor movie show over the same nights, 烟花从 天空塔 在最后的夜晚.
地点:阿尔伯特公园 & 皇后码头/时间:二月.
骄傲的节日 for the Rainbow Community is held over two to three weeks in February. Some of the many bet9注册登录 that take place include concerts, 舞会, 野餐, 诗歌会和变装表演. 庆祝活动以官方的奥克兰同性恋大游行拉开序幕,以同性恋大游行结束. 的 parade is considered the unofficial highlight, and draws hundreds of onlookers as lesbian, 同性恋, 来自各行各业的双性恋和变性人旅行的长度 Ponsonby 街舞,表演,穿着(或不穿)五颜六色的服装,为这个明亮的奇观. 
Location: 奥克兰 Central / When: First to the third week of February.
以当地和国际表演的滑稽阵容为特色,新西兰国际 喜剧节 is held over three weeks in 奥克兰 during April and May. 之后,喜剧车队前往全国各地的一些小城镇. 喜剧晚会预示着节日在公民剧院开幕,一些节日的顶级喜剧演员在电视上展示. 这个节日非常受欢迎,因为门票不贵,而且有很多不同类型的喜剧,包括戏剧, 草图, 音乐的, 即兴表演, stand up and even something for children. 
Location: 奥克兰 Central / When: End of April to mid May.
这个热闹的节日是全世界印度人聚集在一起与朋友和家人分享祝福的重要bet9注册登录. 排灯节以其以蜡烛、灯和烟花为特色的灯光表演而闻名, 象征着生命的新生, 但这只是它成为奥克兰如此受欢迎的节日的原因之一. 对于所有年龄和背景的游客来说,这也是一个参与印度文化的好机会,有50多个工艺品和食品摊位, 娱乐, 现场音乐和舞蹈, 传统的和现代的. Highlights of the festival include the Bollywood 跳舞 competition, 街头戏剧表演和五彩缤纷的烟花表演为节日画上了句号.
An anticipated yearly event amongst fashionistas, 新西兰时装周 已经跑了14年了吗. It offers a platform for the country’s top and upcoming designers, to showcase their collections to international buyers and VIPs, 以及普通大众. Some of the big-name designers include: Trelise Cooper, 安娜Stretton, 赞比西和偷女友俱乐部. Popular bet9注册登录 include the 'Designer Selection Shows', which give a sneak peek of all the designers showing during the week, and the '时装周end' offering runway shows, 现场美容护理, style seminars and a designer garage sale for bargain hunters.
Location: Viaduct Events Centre / When: Late August or early September.
这是美食家的绝佳节日, 奥克兰风情 现在已经是第五个年头了,由于游客人数众多(超过23,000 in 2013). 在夏初的美食节上,越来越多的本地和国际厨师热衷于展示他们的烹饪才能. 你不仅有机会品尝到一些最好的食物和美食 producers in the country, you’ll be able to purchase goods to take home too. 从周四到周日, the festival has cooking demonstrations, 现场音乐, seminars from 酒 experts and signature dishes from some of 奥克兰’s best 餐厅.
Location: Western Springs / When: November.
Movie goers wait with anticipation for the annual 新西兰国际电影节 which runs for two and half weeks in 奥克兰 during July. This 图标ic winter festival has been running since 1969 and is hugely popular due to the amazing array of films shown; a programme of between 150 to 170. 的se are organised into categories to make selection easier such as, 纪录片, 短片, 国家和各种主题. Films are shown in several cinemas in the city and city fringe, 但要想体验真正的戏剧,最受欢迎的地方是令人惊叹的20世纪30年代 公民剧院 in 皇后大街. 热门电影和开幕之夜, 往往卖得很快, 即使在思域, 所以早点订票吧. 
For the latest information on bet9注册登录, please visit our 奥克兰活动日程表.